Category Archives: Post a Day

Tuna-Egg Salad

I’m really not too moody today (I had a visit with my therapist 🙂 ) So not much to write for Moody Monday,  but I did have a pretty good lunch.  So I thought  I would share my recipe for Tuna-Egg salad. Tuna-Egg salad sandwich  Thrown on some toasted Italian bread with a few lettuce leaves, it makes a very tasty sandwich!  Here’s what to do.

  1. Boil 3 eggs.  (The best way I have found to boil eggs that come out easy to peel is to put them in a pot and cover with water.  Add about a tsp of vinegar.  Bring  to a boil.  Cover, turn off heat and let sit for 15 minutes.  Immediately transfer to a bowl and cover with ice.  Put in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes.)  After they are cooled, peel, chop and put into a bowl.
  2. Open a can of tuna and drain.  ( I used Trader Joe’s albacore solid white tuna) Add to bowl.
  3. Chop up 1/2 stalk of celery and 1/2 an onion.  Add to bowl.
  4. Sprinkle with 1 tsp dill weed and some pepper.
  5. Add about 1/2 cup Hellman’s mayonnaise.
  6. Mix well
  7. Make yourself a nice sandwich!


Reflections on Sunday’s Service…

“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! “

During this morning’s service, Pastor asked us to reflect on what it means to be blessed.  She asked us to consider the paradox of blessings.

We looked at the story of Mary and Elizabeth.  I can’t imagine that  Mary felt completely blessed when she realized the fact that she was a 13 year-old, un-married woman, pregnant and yet a virgin.  What must have been going through her head as she contemplated how she would begin to explain to her fiance, her family, her neighbors how she had come to be in this position?  Would they believe her?  It would have been a scandal at the very least, and also, as Pastor pointed out, a possibility of a death sentence.  The punishment for adultery in those times was death by stoning.

39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.  

And so, Mary hurries to a trusted relative, a woman much older than she.  She makes a nine day journey for advice? comfort? to try to make sense out of what was happening to her? Or perhaps she really needed to check out that what the angel had said was true.  She must have had great trust and respect in Elizabeth.

She must have had a tremendous faith in God!  How could she possibly comprehend the scope of this blessing?  Do you see blessings in impossible situations?  I have to admit that I sometimes find it very difficult to feel blessed when I am in the middle of a crisis.  I become frustrated with God.  “Can’t you hear me?  Why are you not answering my prayers?”

It is easy to feel blessed when things are going well, but how hard is it to trust God and His plans and have faith that in all circumstances He is blessing us?  Mary could not have begun to understand what the following months and years would bring to her, but she answers.  “I am the Lord’s servant.  May your word to me be fulfilled.”  Imagine what blessings that kind of answer would bring to our lives!

So, on this third Sunday of Advent, as we prepare and wait for the celebration of the birth of our Lord and His second coming, may we thank Him for the family, friends and people that He so beautifully puts into our lives.  May we thank Him for the blessings that He brings, the ones that are easy to see..and the ones that are difficult to understand.

Be Born In Me – Francesca Battistelli

Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

     A Food Friday Recipe:  Family favorite!!

  “Tis the season for baking cookies!”  (Well not for me usually.  I let my sister do that since she is a way better baker than I could ever be.)  But this is one recipe I never go wrong with.  

Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies.  (Makes a very light cookie)

  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Combine 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup white sugar, 1 cup salad oil, 1 cup (real) butter melted, 2 eggs, and 2 tsp (real) vanilla.  Mix well.
  3. Sift in 4 cups flour, 2 tsp baking soda, 4 tsp cream of tartar, and 1 tsp salt.  (I find it easier to sift in one cup of flour at a time, including part of the soda, tartar and salt.  This way you don’t get that salty, soda taste in the cookie)
  4. Stir in one bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips.
  5. Drop by tablespoon on a cookie sheet.  (I have terrible cookie sheets, so I usually line them with parchment paper or wax paper).
  6. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
  7. Place on Parchment paper to cool.
  8. Enjoy!

Let me know if you try this and like it.

Would you rather…..

Topic #328

Would you rather have $50 million or live for an extra 50 years?

I would rather have $50 million. Since I am already just a few short years away from the 50 year mark, another 50 years I could take or leave.  The world today is not something that I care to have to face for the next 50 years.  I’ve made my peace with my creator, have had an amazing time getting to know him and , frankly, can’t wait to see him face to face!   Continue reading

Herb Roasted Chicken with Giblet Gravy

Today’s Tasty Tuesday Recipe.

Whole Chicken’s are so economical!  On a good week, I can usually find them on sale for 99 cents a pound.  You can’t beat 5 bucks for a 5 pound chicken that will feed a family of 4!!  (Or in my case a family of 2 – so that means homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch tomorrow!)   Continue reading

Two Kinds of People

Topic #326

My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition. — Indira Gandhi   Continue reading

Sunday’s Service: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways.”

Praise to the King of the Universe!

May I never take for granted the amazing privilege it is to be able to communicate with You!

Praise to the God of Creation!

May I keep in mind Who I commune with and understand that Your Way is the only Way.

Praise to the Holy Spirit!

May I be still and Listen.  You are the great Director, who enables me to receive the voice of God .

Praise to Jesus Christ!

May I never stop thanking you for dying on the Cross, so that I can have Life, so that I can be strengthened by You to continue on the path that You have set for me.

Your thoughts and your ways are much higher than mine. Thank You, that I can rest in the fact that, even though I may not be able to comprehend the majesty of You, it is well.

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


Saturday’s Song – On Death (and Life)

I have some strong thoughts on how I want to be handled after I leave this world.  Most of my family has heard me express my wishes and I suppose it would be wise for me to do the official thing and make it legal, but it’s hard to think about these preparations.  Continue reading

Weekly Photo Challenge: Waiting

Waiting for dinner….that’s what my husband will be doing tonight when he walks through the door. Before he left for work this morning (at 7:30), he asked “So what’s for dinner?” …The step-daughter will be here, so I am going to make one of her favorite dishes…Salisbury Steak.  Continue reading

Audacious faith confessions…(Post A Day: What is your strategy for life?)

What is my strategy for life?…Recently I read the book Sun Stand Still by Pastor Steven Furtick. In the Chapter, Hear, Speak, Do, Pastor Furtick challenged me to preach to myself…”You see, there are going to be many points alont the way when you’re not going to have anyone around to motivate you or encourage you. And in those moments; you’d better be able to open God’s Word, look in the mirror and remind yourself of the truth.” (p. 113).  He listed what he called “Audacious Faith Confessions.”  Continue reading